Thursday, April 7, 2011

April 3, 2011

See the Canadian Bible Society's short thought for each of  the 40 Days of Lent at
Info on contributing to the Legal Defence Fund for those involved in the Prison Farm protests is posted in the foyer.
To make donations for Easter Flowers in memory of loved ones, please speak to Joyce Stevenson or Wilma Swain at Trinity; Florence Tackaberry or Doe Babcock at Emmanuel.
The third Sunday each month is Foodbank Sunday.
Sun. Apr. 3 - "Concert of Hymns and Gospel Songs" by Jon McClurg & Chris Murphy; 7-9 pm at Trinity U. C.; proceeds to M&S; free-will offering, lunch provided.
Fri. Apr. 8 from 5-7 pm: Roast Beef Supper and Silent Auction at Trinity; $12 for adults; children ages 5-12, $6; ages 4 & under, free; homemade pies for dessert.
Workshop on why and how to become an Affirming Ministry: Emmanuel U. C., Apr. 12, 7-9 pm. RSVP Bruce Hutchinson at 613-542-7645 or .
Sat. Apr. 16 – "Quiet Day Retreat" at Providence Spirituality Centre, 9 am to 3 pm
Holy Week Services: Maundy Thursday at Emmanuel, 7 pm; Good Friday at Trinity, 10 am; Easter Sunday at Trinity, 8:30 am and at Emmanuel, 11:15 am
Proclamation! at Emmanuel U. C. Good Friday & Holy Saturday. Plan to come and read, or come and listen to, the Word of God, read aloud
Sun. May 8 – Joint Congregational Anniversary Service at Trinity at 10:30 am followed by a potluck lunch. (NO service at Emmanuel)