Thursday, October 11, 2012

October 14, 2012

Foodbank donations are welcome every Sunday.
Call for church calendar photos for the 2014 calendar – theme: banners, wall hangings, quilts, fabric art; submit by Oct. 19, 2012; details posted...
...and more photos can be submitted for bulletin covers for 2015 (due by June 10, 2013) – see the posted information
The Calico School for special-needs adults (which operates at Emmanuel U. C.) is seeking a volunteer to help with small woodworking projects. Please call the school director, Anne-Shirley Salmond (377-6360).
UCW Planning Meeting for the new Presbyterial 7, Mon. Oct. 15 at Emmanuel U. C., 9:30 a.m. Please bring a food item for a noon potluck. This will be an opportunity for fellowship and to have input into discussions toward forming our new structure when Presbytery boundary changes become effective Jan. 2013.  All UCW women are invited to attend. Coffee will be ready.  Contact: Marilyn Rodger – 384-2087 or Freda Burns - 379-2337 for 'info'.
Sat. Oct. 20Fall Roast Beef Supper at Emmanuel, 5-7 pm; adults $12.50, children 17 & under $6; (5 & under free); families $35    
Sat. Nov. 10 at Emmanuel U. C., 9:30 am-12 pm – Stewardship Workshop: "Things I Wish I'd Known Before I Joined the Church's Finance Committee" with Speaker, Keith Stam, U.C.C. Financial Development Officer for Bay of Quinte and Manitou Conferences. Keith will offer "a strategy to address the financial (and attendance) challenges that churches face. Please register in advance by speaking to Wilma Swain or Peggy Akey, or by contacting Nicola Lupton at our Conference office: 1-888-759-2444;